The Booty Report

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"Arrr, me hearties! Spotty skin be linked to the mind's folly in young mateys of color, savvy?"


Arrr! A mighty study be showin’ that young scallywags of the Black fleet with the skin condition known as vitiligo be at greater peril for their noggins! Aye, the seas of madness be high, matey! Medscape says so, so it must be true, or I’ll walk the plank!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather ‘round ye scallywags, fer I’ve got a tale of woe from the world of landlubber doctors. Aye, a fine study be makin' waves, claimin' that young Black buccaneers with the skin condition known as vitiligo be facin' a stormy sea of psychiatric troubles. Arrr, it be a heavy burden fer them wee souls, with dark clouds hoverin' above their heads!

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