The Booty Report

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Arrr, there be a mighty surge in virtual-only treatments for the health of yer mind, ye scallywags!


Arr, in the year 2022, a hearty 13% o' mental health specialists be sailin' the seas of telemedicine, mateys! Aye, them psychiatric nurse practitioners and landlubbers in crowded places be leadin' the way! Yo ho ho! "Medscape Medical News" be tellin' the tale, arr!

Arrr, there be a mighty surge in virtual-only treatments for the health of yer mind, ye scallywags!

In the year of our Lord 2022, it seems that a fair share of those merry mental health specialists have taken a fancy to practicing their trade from the comforts of their own ship, I mean, their own abode, through a thing they call telemedicine. Arr, that be a fancy word for using them devices like computers and phones to connect with their patients from a distance.

Now, according to those clever folks at the Medscape Medical News, it seems that about 13% of these specialists have hoisted their anchors and set sail on this telemedicine voyage. And it seems that those who can't resist the siren call of this new way of practicing be the psychiatric nurse practitioners and those clinicians who be working in crowded places, where the streets be overflowing like a treasure chest of doubloons.

Imagine, mateys! Instead of having to trudge through the bustling streets, these mental health specialists can simply sit in their own humble quarters and connect with their patients through a magical contraption called the internet. No more battling the storms and tempestuous weather just to reach a patient's humble dwelling.

But, me hearties, ye must remember that this be a change that comes with its own share of challenges. For one, the good ol' face-to-face interaction be replaced by pixelated faces on a screen. And those who be living in the more remote corners of the world might find themselves adrift without access to the wonders of telemedicine.

Ah, the times be a-changin', me lads and lasses. But fear not, for the spirit of those merry mental health specialists be strong, whether they be tending to their patients in person or navigating the treacherous sea of telemedicine. So raise your glasses, me hearties, and let us toast to the future of mental health, wherever it may lead us! Yo ho ho!

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