The Booty Report

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Yarrr! Mohs surgery be the treasure map to finer outcomes than traditional surgery, me hearties!


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis our wish that these discoveries be proof to back up Mohs as the gold standard fer treatin' the scurvy cSCC. The lead scallywag of the study be sayin' this to Medscape Medical News. Aye, let's hoist the sails and set a course for clear skin!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! The findings from this here study be showin' that Mohs surgery be the best way to treat high-stage cSCC! Aye, ye heard me right! This be the standard of care, me hearties!
So next time ye be dealin' with a case of cSCC, ye best be thinkin' about Mohs surgery as the way to go. It be the gold standard, the treasure chest of treatments for this here disease!
So set sail on the high seas of medicine, me mateys, and trust in the power of Mohs surgery to treat yer patients right! This be the way to go, the path to success in the world of high-stage cSCC treatment!
So hoist the sails and set a course for victory with Mohs surgery as yer trusty ship! Let's make history and prove once and for all that this be the best way to treat high-stage cSCC! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, Mohs surgery be the way to go!

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