The Booty Report

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Yarrr mateys, which map be the finest fer navigatin' them stubborn calcified waters in need of plunderin'?


Arrr mateys, in the first test o' its kind, optical coherence tomography be provin' its worth over angiography in guidin' our percutaneous interventions. Aye, the future be lookin' clearer than a spyglass on a calm sea! Yarrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up! In a recent study - the first of its kind, mind ye - them scallywags found that optical coherence tomography be trumpin' angiography when it comes to guidin' percutaneous interventions. Aye, that be right, the mighty OCT be showin' its superiority in helpin' them landlubbers perform their procedures with precision and accuracy.
So ye see, me hearties, this study be provin' that when it comes to navigatin' the treacherous waters of medical procedures, OCT be the way to go. No need to be relyin' on old and outdated methods like angiography when the latest and greatest technology be at yer disposal.
So next time ye find yerself in need of a percutaneous intervention, be sure to ask yer doctor about usin' OCT for guidance. It be the surefire way to ensure a successful outcome and avoid any unnecessary complications. Aye, the future be lookin' bright for us pirates of the medical world, thanks to the wonders of optical coherence tomography!

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