The Booty Report

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Arrr, me mateys! When ye swab the deck and find the mark of the invisible enemy, fret not! Here be how to calm their souls.


Arr, a scurvy gynecologist be scrutinin' the queries o' his lasses, and sharin' his clever answers. Ahoy, ye landlubber Medscape Medical News!

Arr, me hearties! A jolly gynecologist be takin' a gander at the queries landlubbers be askin' the most, and providin' some clever responses, says Medscape Medical News. Now, ye may be wonderin' what kind o' questions these lasses be askin' their trusty doc, so gather 'round and let me spin ye a tale!

First off, some curious wenches be askin' if it's normal for their hoo-has to make a wee bit o' noise during intimate encounters. The good doctor be replyin' with a chuckle, sayin' that as long as it don't be causin' any discomfort, then 'tis as normal as a bird singin' at dawn.

Next up, some ladies be concerned about the size o' their lady bits. Fear not, me lasses! The wise doc be sayin' that there be no such thing as "normal" when it comes to sizes, for each treasure be unique in its own way.

Now, gather 'round, for this one be a hoot! Some curious souls be askin' if it be possible to lose items up yonder. Arr, the good doctor be sayin' that whilst it be unlikely for a treasure to be lost forever, 'tis best to seek help if ye be misplacin' any precious loot.

Lastly, there be those worryin' about the scent o' their nether regions. Fear not, me lovely lasses! The doc be sayin' that a mild odor be as natural as the salty sea breeze, but if ye be detectin' a strong stench or feelin' itchy, then it be time to seek the help of a trusted physician.

So, me hearties, there ye have it – a glimpse into the curious queries that cross the minds of these fair maidens. The good doctor be answerin' with wit and wisdom, easing their worries and bringin' a smile to their faces. 'Tis a reminder that even in the serious world of medicine, a touch o' humor can go a long way!

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