The Booty Report

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Arrr! FDA be givin' the nod to Upadacitinib for wee ones with arthritis. Time to set sail on smoother seas, mateys!


Arrr matey, this JAK inhibitor be safe for wee little scallywags as young as 2 years! Just like it be safe for the seasoned adults. Shiver me timbers, it be smooth sailin' on the high seas of medicine! Aye, Medscape Medical News be tellin' no tales!

Ahoy me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I bring ye tidings of a new potion that be known as the JAK inhibitor. This here elixir be proven safe fer wee lads and lasses as young as 2 years old, just like it be safe fer us grown buccaneers. Aye, ye heard right, this be no tall tale spun by a landlubber!

According to the Medscape Medical News, this JAK inhibitor be sailin' smooth seas when it comes to keepin' our young mateys safe and sound. No need to worry about any stormy side effects, for this potion be as trustworthy as the North Star in guidin' us on our journeys.

So fear not, me hearties, for the safety of our young scallywags be in good hands with this JAK inhibitor. Let's raise a toast to science and medicine for keepin' our crew healthy and hearty. Arrr, may we all sail on to many more adventures with our trusty JAK inhibitor by our side!

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