The Booty Report

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"Me hearties, vaccinated babes be less likely to catch the pox. Arrr, keep 'em safe from scurvy!"


Arrr mateys, them tiny scallywags be safer from serious bacterial foes after bein' jabbed with the pox prevention potions, but still be needin' to watch out for them sneaky urinary tract invaders. Keep a weather eye on yer little buccaneers, lest ye be dealin' with a troublesome leak!

Arrr matey, listen to this news I've come across! It seems that wee little febrile infants be havin' a reduced risk for serious bacterial infections within 24 hours after gettin' their immunizations. Aye, that be good news for the wee ones and their worried parents!
But hold on to yer sword, me hearties, for there be more to this tale! Despite the reduced risk for serious infections, these scallywags still be havin' a persistent risk for urinary tract infections. Aye, it seems those pesky UTIs be stickin' around like barnacles on a ship!
So, me fellow pirates, it be clear that while immunizations may be protectin' these young buccaneers from some infections, they still be needin' to keep a weather eye out for those sneaky UTIs. Keep a sharp lookout and be sure to consult with yer ship's doctor if ye suspect any trouble on the horizon!

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