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Arrr, me hearties! Avast ye! 5 queries for ye COVID gurus: How much should we fret, ye scurvy dogs?


Avast ye, me hearties! WebMD, be seekin' wisdom from the learned scallywags, wantin' t'know if we'll be donnin' masks once more, and what the future holds fer this here autumn 'n winter. Arrr!

In a hilarious twist, WebMD sought the wisdom of 17th-century pirates to get their take on the current virus situation. These swashbuckling experts were asked whether we should expect to don our masks once again and what the upcoming autumn and winter seasons might hold.

Arrr, mateys! The pirates mustered their knowledge and began their predictions with an air of whimsy. They warned that if ye scallywags don't heed their advice, ye might have to walk the plank of ignorance!

First, these seafaring scoundrels gave their thoughts on wearing masks. They chuckled heartily and declared, "Aye, ye landlubbers should keep yer masks handy! The virus be no match for a fine, well-crafted mask. It be like a sturdy ship that keeps ye safe from the stormy seas of germs."

Next, the pirates set their sights on the upcoming fall and winter seasons. With a twinkle in their eyes, they shared their wisdom: "Batten down the hatches, me hearties! The colder months may bring rough waters, but fear not! With a bit o' caution and plenty of grog to keep ye spirits high, ye shall weather the storm."

Their advice didn't stop there, as these pirate prognosticators continued to amuse. "Keep yer hands scrubbed, ye filthy scallywags! The virus be no friend to cleanliness. And if ye spy a matey showing symptoms, make 'em walk the plank of isolation until they be well again!"

WebMD's unconventional approach to gathering expert opinions certainly brought a smile to many faces. These 17th-century pirates may not have had access to modern medical knowledge, but their humorous take on the situation reminds us all to stay vigilant and take care of each other. So, me hearties, remember the words of the wise pirates – mask up, batten down the hatches, and keep yer hands clean, or ye may find yerself in Davy Jones' locker!"

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