The Booty Report

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Be ye sayin' that scurvy skin ailments be muddlin' the minds o' young'uns? Arrr, that be a tale worth hearin'!


Arr matey! The study be lookin' at wee lads and lasses under 17 winters old, who didn't be havin' any troubles with their noggin or autism. 'Tis the latest news from Medscape Medical, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, no need for worryin' about the little ones in this here analysis. Arrr!

Arr matey! The study be lookin' at young scallywags aged 17 years or younger, who didn't have the brains to be called 'intellectual disability' or 'autism'. Aye, 'twas a proper analysis done by the savvy folks at Medscape Medical News, they were.

They be wantin' to know more about these younglings, see if there be any clues to be found in their behavior or development. 'Tis a curious thing indeed, to be studyin' the youth of today in such a way.

But fear not, me hearties, for there be no harm done in the makin' of this analysis. 'Twas all in good fun and for the betterment of our knowledge. And who knows, maybe we'll learn a thing or two about the wee ones and their ways.

So let us raise a toast to the fine folks at Medscape Medical News, and may their research be as fruitful as a chest full of gold. Here's to the future, me mateys, and all the mysteries it holds for us to uncover!

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