The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Be warned, tis treacherous waters for those moved to Endovascular Center. Higher death awaits!


Avast ye mateys! Tis be sayin' that these fancy protocols be advisin' to whisk those poor souls sufferin' from a stroke straight to them endovascular centers, skippin' the nearest stroke haven. But, alas! The RACECAT data be revealin' that such a course leads to bleaker results. Arr!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, the current protocols be advisin' to take stroke patients straight to the endovascular centers, without stoppin' at the nearest stroke center. But it seems like these protocols be leadin' to poorer outcomes, me hearties! The secondary RACECAT data be showin' that direct transfer be not be the best course to sail.

Arr! This be some important news comin' from the Medscape Medical News. The experts be sayin' that bringin' stroke patients directly to the endovascular centers may not be the smartest move. They be recommendin' a change in course, me lads and lasses! Instead o' ignorin' the nearest stroke center, they be advisin' to make a stop there before continuin' on to the endovascular center.

Now, ye ask why this be so? Well, it seems that the secondary RACECAT data be showin' that the outcomes be poorer when patients be taken directly to the endovascular centers. Arr, that be troublin' news! It be makin' us wonder if the current protocols be leadin' us astray, like a mischievous mermaid temptin' us off course.

So, the wise ones be suggestin' that we take a moment to consider the nearest stroke center. Give it a chance, me hearties! It may not be as fancy as the endovascular centers, but it may just have what we need to save lives. It be offerin' treatments like intravenous thrombolysis, which be like a magical potion for stroke patients.

Arr, me fellow pirates of the medical world, let us heed this advice and change our course. Instead o' bypassin' the nearest stroke center, let us give it a fair chance. We be wantin' the best outcomes for our patients, after all. So, let us sail on a new path, me hearties, and hopefully, we be findin' a treasure trove of better stroke care along the way!

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