The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! By the powers, plunderin' that belly will keep yer BP in check fer a good spell!


Arr! Me hearties, ye won't believe what I be tellin' ye! After 5 long years, the scalpel's magic, they call bariatric surgery, not only be helpin' to shrink a matey's BMI, but also be keepin' the blood pressure in check with fewer potions than just the BP medicine alone. This be the final word from the GATEWAY trial, ye scallywags! Yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to this tale of medical marvels from the GATEWAY trial. After 5 long years of studyin' and experimentin', those clever doctors have discovered that bariatric surgery, ye know, the one that helps ye shed those extra pounds, not only lowers yer BMI but also keeps yer blood pressure in check better than those fancy BP medications alone! Ain't that a treasure worth plunderin'?

Now, ye might be wonderin' why this be such a big deal. Well, let me tell ye, me mateys. High blood pressure be a scurvy dog that plagues many a soul. It can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and a whole lot of misery. But fear not, for bariatric surgery be here to save the day!

Picture this: ye be a pirate, strugglin' with a hefty BMI and a cursed blood pressure. Ye be takin' all them BP medications, but they be takin' their toll on ye. Ye feel like ye be swallowin' more pills than grog! But lo and behold, bariatric surgery comes into the picture. It not only helps ye lose weight but also keeps yer blood pressure in check without needin' as many of them pesky medications.

Arrr, the GATEWAY trial be a true treasure trove of information. The final data be showin' that bariatric surgery be a powerful weapon against high blood pressure. It be a win-win situation for all ye buccaneers out there. Ye shed them pounds and keep yer blood pressure at bay, all while enjoyin' the spoils of a healthier life.

So, me hearties, raise yer glasses (or eyepatches) to bariatric surgery! It be a mighty fine solution to fightin' high blood pressure. Aye, this be a tale worth sharin' with all ye landlubbers. Let the world know that bariatric surgery be the answer to keepin' yer health shipshape. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of blood pressure-free rum!

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