The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, only half of the new mothers be learnin' 'bout how much plunder they be gainin' in pregnancy visits!


Arrr, me hearties! Listen well, for yer habits o' livin' and the weight ye gain durin' pregnancy be crucial to the health o' ye and yer wee one. Pay heed to this advice, or risk walkin' the plank of poor outcomes! Aye, from MDedge News.

Arrr mateys, only half of the new mothers be learnin' 'bout how much plunder they be gainin' in pregnancy visits!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scurvy dogs! It be known that the habits ye keep and the weight ye gain during the time of carrying yer wee ones can greatly affect ye and yer little landlubber's health. Aye, ye heard it right! The way ye live yer life and the pounds ye be packin' on can determine the outcome of the precious cargo ye be carryin'.
So, me hearties, take heed of this warnin' from the wise ones at MDedge News. Don't be ignorin' the importance of keepin' a healthy lifestyle and watchin' the weight ye be gainin'. It be crucial for the well-bein' of ye and yer little scallywags.
Remember, a healthy mother means a healthy child. So, drop anchor on them bad habits and set sail on a course towards a better future for ye and yer little buccaneers. Ye don't want to be walkin' the plank due to neglectin' yer health, now do ye? Nay, I didn't think so. So, hoist the sails and navigate towards a healthier lifestyle. Yarrr!

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