The Booty Report

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Arrr! The costs be a-raisin' fer ye medicines for diabetes, obesity, and other ailments, mateys!


Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! The price of Ozempic be risin' by 3.5%, weighin' in at a hefty sum of nearly $970. And aye, Mounjaro be followin' suit, takin' a leap of 4.5% to a grand total of near $1070 a month. 'Tis what the Wall Street Journal be sayin', mateys!

In a recent report from The Wall Street Journal, it has been revealed that the monthly price of Ozempic has increased by 3.5%, reaching a staggering amount of almost $970. Shiver me timbers! That be quite a hefty sum, me hearties! And if ye thought that was all, hold on to yer doubloons, for I have more news to deliver. The cost of Mounjaro has risen by 4.5%, reaching an astonishing sum of almost $1070 a month. Arr, that be enough to make even the bravest buccaneer shake in their boots!

It seems that these prices be climbing faster than a monkey up a mast! Ye might be wondering what be the reason for such an increase in these here medications. Well, fear not, me mateys, for I shall enlighten ye. The report states that this be the work of the greedy scallywags in the pharmaceutical industry. They be settin' their sights on plunderin' the pockets of poor souls in need of these remedies.

But worry not, me landlubbers! There be some who be fightin' against these treacherous price hikes. The likes of WebMD Health News be keepin' a close eye on these scalawags, exposin' their dastardly deeds to the world. It be a shining beacon of hope in these dark times, a reminder that we be all in this together, fightin' against the forces of greed and avarice!

So, me hearties, keep yer wits about ye and be aware of the ever-increasin' costs of these medications. Stay strong, me mateys, and let us hope that one day we shall see a world where the price of health be affordable to all, and not just the wealthy scoundrels who sit upon their piles of gold like dragons in a cave.

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