The Booty Report

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Me mateys, beware! Scurvy landlubbers be warn'd! Stress at work may raise the risk o' a broken heart in ye salty sea dogs!


Arr, ye scallywags! 'Tis been discovered that a buccaneer toils with twice the chance o' heart disease if he be feelin' strained o'er his job and bein' denied proper booty like gold doubloons and higher ranks. Aye, observational research be sayin' so! Yo ho ho!

In a language fit for a 17th-century pirate, this observational research be tellin' us that male workers who be sufferin' from both job strain and an effort-reward imbalance be havin' a double the risk for that dreaded heart disease, me hearties! Arrr! It seems that these poor souls, who be toilin' away in their jobs, be feelin' the pressure and stress, and not gettin' the rewards they rightly deserve, be findin' themselves in a perilous situation.
Now, ye may be wonderin', what be this job strain and effort-reward imbalance, ye scurvy dogs? Well, job strain be when a poor soul be feelin' overwhelmed, under a great amount of pressure, and with too little control over his work. It be like walkin' the plank every day, with no chance to escape! And as for effort-reward imbalance, it be when a poor soul be puttin' in all his blood, sweat, and tears into his work, but not be gettin' the booty he be hopin' for, such as a higher salary or a promotion. It be like diggin' for treasure, only to find an empty chest!
Now, this observational research be suggestin' that these poor souls be facin' a higher risk for coronary heart disease, which be a serious matter indeed. We be talkin' about a condition where a pirate's heart, which be as strong as a ship's anchor, starts to weaken and fail. It be a perilous situation, me hearties! So, if ye be a worker in this day and age, beware! Take heed of this research and make sure ye be findin' ways to reduce the strain and imbalance in yer job. Take breaks, set sail on a holiday, and demand the rewards ye deserve, ye scallywags! Arrr!

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