The Booty Report

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Ye salty dogs with weak tickers need not abandon the game, ye can still plunder the pitch! Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! The latest decree be all about fixin' the heartbeats of those sporty landlubbers! They be talkin' 'bout gettin' back to playin' and makin' decisions together like a proper crew. Arrrr, let's set sail for a healthy heart!

Ye salty dogs with weak tickers need not abandon the game, ye can still plunder the pitch! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, for there be news from the land lubbers about managing arrhythmias in athletes. Aye, a consensus statement has been released, updating the guidelines for returnin' to play after a bout of the ol' irregular heartbeats. But fear not, for the focus be on shared decision-makin' between the athlete and the medical crew.
Arr, it be important for the athlete to be involved in makin' decisions about their own health and when to return to the field of battle. No more dictatin' from the high and mighty doctors, but a partnership between the two sides. Aye, teamwork makes the dream work, even in matters of the heart!
So, me hearties, next time ye be hearin' about an athlete with arrhythmias, remember the new guidelines be all about workin' together and makin' informed decisions. And may the wind be always at yer back, and yer heart beat steady and true. Arrr!

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