The Booty Report

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Arrr, be the Coronary Sinus Reducer a solution for yer stubborn chest pains, me hearties? Aye or nay?


Arrr mateys, the coronary sinus reducer be helpin' with the chest pains, but be failin' to improve the blood flow. 'Tis like tryin' to sail a leaky ship in rough waters! Ahoy, the seas of medicine be a treacherous journey indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I bring news from the high seas of medicine! A scallywag known as the coronary sinus reducer has made a splash in the ORBITA-COSMIC trial. This scallywag has managed to reduce refractory angina, aye, but alas, it did not succeed in improving perfusion.
Ye see, this scallywag be a tricky one, playing tricks on us poor souls who be sufferin' from angina. While it may have met one of two primary endpoints, it be fallin' short on the other. But fear not, me hearties, for there be more trials ahead, more battles to be fought in the name of medicine!
So let us raise a pint of grog to the coronary sinus reducer, for its efforts in the ORBITA-COSMIC trial. And let us keep a weather eye on the horizon, for who knows what other treasures and trials may come our way in the world of medicine. Arrr!

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