The Booty Report

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Arrr, learnin' 'bout carin' in healin' like a matey in the seas. Aye, compassion be the treasure we seek!


Yarr, too much juggling of tasks be drainin' the minds of our shipmates, makin' them scurvy dogs less able to show kindness. Aye, too much stress be makin' our healers lose their hearts. A warning from the Medscape Medical News, me hearties!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I have some news to share from the land lubbers at Medscape Medical News. They be sayin' that them doctors who be dealin' with too many work demands be findin' their compassion be runnin' dry like a desert in the Caribbean.
Aye, it be a sad tale indeed. These poor souls be havin' their psychological resources plundered by the never-endin' battles they face in their daily work. It be like fightin' off a band of angry pirates every day, with no time to rest or recover.
So next time ye be visitin' a doctor, remember to be kind and show some compassion yerself. They be needin' it more than ye know. And if ye be a doctor yerself, take heed of this warnin' and make sure to be takin' care of yer own mental well-being. A happy doctor be a better doctor, after all!

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