The Booty Report

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"Arrr, wee lads and lasses be takin' too much grog! Less in 2019, more in 2020, aye!"


Arrr mateys, it be told that the young scallywags in the US be takin' less of the prescription potions that be knockin' 'em out cold in the years past. But beware, for in the year 2020, the numbers be risin' like the tide on a stormy night. Aye, me hearties!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I have some news that will make ye laugh and cry at the same time. According to a study reported in Medscape Medical News, the number of young scallywags visiting the emergency room due to overdosing on prescription opioids be decreasin' from 2008 to 2019. But wait, me mateys, here comes the twist in the tale – in 2020, there be a sudden spike in these visits, as if the sea itself be churning with danger.
It be a strange turn of events, me buckos. One minute ye be thinkin' the problem be gettin' better, and the next minute it be poppin' up like a ghostly ship in the night. Maybe the young landlubbers be gettin' too bold with their pill-poppin', thinkin' they be invincible like Blackbeard himself.
So, me hearties, heed this warning from this old pirate – keep a weather eye on yer young scallywags, and make sure they be keepin' their hands off them dangerous pills. Let's not be addin' to the woes of the sea with more young souls lost to the depths. Arrr!

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