The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the puff o' the devil's lettuce, the brew o' visions, and the grog be flowin' like never afore!


Arrr! The Monitoring the Future survey data be showin' a mighty surge in the puffin' o' marijuana and nicotine through those fancy vape machines. Aye, the scallywags be indulgin' in their weed and smoky pleasures! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be the teller o' tales, matey!

In the jargon of a 17th-century pirate, arrr, me hearties, the Monitoring the Future survey be bringin' us some curious news! It appears that the scallywags of today be indulgin' in a newfangled habit called vaping. But hold onto yer hats, for it be not just nicotine these young landlubbers be puffin', but also the devil's lettuce, marijuana!
Ahoy, me mateys, this survey, conducted by the fine folks at Medscape Medical News, be showin' a mighty increase in the number of young rapscallions who be takin' to this peculiar pastime. Arrr, it seems that these scurvy dogs be findin' pleasure in inhaling the vapor of both nicotine and marijuana, fillin' their lungs with the essence of the forbidden fruits.
Now, this be raisin' some concerns among the landlubber population, as it be showin' that our young buccaneers be settin' sail on a treacherous sea of vice and debauchery. The numbers be tellin' us that the usage of these vaporizers be on the rise, and it be a cause for worry, indeed.
But let us not be too quick to judge, me hearties, for these young scoundrels be explorin' new horizons, just as we once did. Aye, we may have preferred a good ol' swig o' rum, but who are we to deny them their own vices?
Arrr, as we sail through the vast oceans of time, it be important to remember that trends come and go, just like the tides. So, let us raise a glass, or a vape, to these young adventurers, as they navigate the treacherous waters of the 21st century. May they find their way to calmer shores, and may their voyage be filled with more laughter than lamentation.

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