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Beware ye scurvy dogs! Learn from the fiery plague of myeloma, lest ye be smoldered in its wrath. Arrr!


Avast ye mateys! Manni Mohyuddin, MD, be tellin' us how he be battlin' the fiery beast known as smolderin' multiple myeloma. Listen close, lest ye be fallin' victim to this treacherous scurvy! Arrrr!

Arr matey, let me tell ye about Manni Mohyuddin, MD, a wise soul who be treatin' smolderin' multiple me-loma. Aye, 'tis a tricky disease, but this fine doctor knows how to handle it with skill and grace. He be sharin' his knowledge with us landlubbers through the pages of MDedge News.
Ye see, smolderin' multiple me-loma be like a hidden treasure, waitin' to be discovered and dealt with before it causes any harm. This clever MD, he be navigatin' the treacherous waters of this disease, keepin' a sharp eye out for any signs of trouble.
With his trusty crew of nurses and support staff, Manni Mohyuddin, MD, be fightin' the good fight against smolderin' multiple me-loma. He be usin' his knowledge and experience to guide his patients through the stormy seas of this disease, helpin' them find their way to calmer waters.
So raise a glass to Manni Mohyuddin, MD, a true hero in the battle against smolderin' multiple me-loma. May his knowledge and skill continue to shine like a beacon in the darkness, leadin' his patients safely to port.

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