The Booty Report

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Ye filthy bilge rats! Foul air be addin' to yer brain gunk! Clean yer ship or walk the plank! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that breathin' in all the smog from the sea rovers be makin' ye brain all filled with plagues! Best be sailin' with ye windows rolled up tight to keep them pesky plaques at bay, ye scallywags!

Arrr mateys, listen up! A new study be tellin' us that breathin' in all that nasty air pollution from the crowded streets be makin' our brains all foggy like a misty mornin' at sea. They be findin' high levels of amyloid plaques in the brains of them poor souls who be dyin' from too much traffic-related air pollution.
Imagine yer brain bein' covered in these nasty plaques, like barnacles on a ship's hull! It be no wonder why some folks be forgettin' where they be goin' or what they be doin'. Ye best be avoidin' them busy streets if ye want to keep yer wits about ye!
So next time ye be stuck in a traffic jam, remember the wise words of this study and roll up yer windows, mateys! Keep that foul air out and yer brain free from them pesky plaques. Aye, the seas may be rough, but ye can still protect yer noggin from the dangers of traffic-related air pollution. Arrr!

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