The Booty Report

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Arrr, them fancy foreign-trained docs be stuck in landlubber roles, all 'cause of some blasted license woes!


Arr! Scurvy dogs be sayin' that scallywag doctors from foreign lands who sail to the US be facin' burdensome trials to get their papers and learnin' shipshape. Arr, they can't wield their mighty skills as they please!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of woes that befall our foreign brethren in the land of the free! It seems that these doctors, skilled in the ways of healin', are facin' a mighty challenge when they set foot upon American soil. A bunch of scallywags claim that these fine doctors, who sailed across the seven seas to offer their expertise, are bein' held back by licensing and retraining hurdles.
Ye see, mates, it be like this - these poor souls be needin' to jump through hoops and walk the plank, figuratively speakin', just to prove themselves worthy of practicin' medicine in the land of opportunity. It be a sad sight to behold, for these doctors be havin' the knowledge and the skills, but the powers that be make them go through all sorts of rigmarole to prove it.
It be like a sword fight, me hearties, where our foreign doctors be wieldin' their mighty blades of knowledge, only to be met with bureaucratic red tape swingin' back at 'em. They be havin' to face exams, certifications, and retraining, all the while waitin' fer their chance to show their worth.
Avast! It be a real shame, me hearties, for all the patients who be missin' out on the talents of these fine doctors. While they be waitin' and retrainin', the sick and ailing be sufferin' without the proper care they deserve. 'Tis a cruel jest indeed!
So, me hearties, let's raise a glass to these brave souls who fight against the currents of bureaucracy. May they find a smoother voyage ahead, where their skills can be put to good use, healin' the wounded and savin' lives. And if ye ever find yerself in need of a doctor, me hearties, don't ye be forgettin' that talent knows no borders!

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