The Booty Report

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Arr mateys, do Canada's grog regulations be favoring the health of the scallywags or be it walkin' the plank?


Arrr, the landlubbers be suggestin' rules for the likes o' tobacco and cannabis, like addin' more gold to the price and makin' the labels clearer. Aye, they be treatin' medicine like the booty we be plunderin'!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! Thar be some new recommendations from them fancy researchers about how to control the likes of tobacco and cannabis. They be sayin' we should be havin' higher taxes on these here products and better labels to warn us about the dangers. Aye, they be treatin' these substances like they be some kind of cursed treasure!

But let me tell ya, tryin' to control tobacco and cannabis be like tryin' to catch a slippery eel with yer bare hands. Them smokers and tokers be findin' ways to get their fix no matter what! It be like tryin' to keep a parrot from squawkin' or a pirate from drinkin' rum!

So me hearties, while them researchers be thinkin' they be holdin' all the answers, we pirates know better. We be sailin' the high seas, livin' by our own rules and takin' risks every day. So let them talk of taxes and labels all they want, but we be laughin' in the face of danger and enjoyin' our smokes and tokes while we can.

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