The Booty Report

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Be ye asking if this here Immunotherapy be safe for a lass carryin' a wee pirate in 'er belly? Arrr!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! No harm to wee bairns from most cancer potions, but beware the cursed combo of two immunotherapies! The lads at Medscape News UK be warnin' ye, so mind yer doses or face the consequences, arrr!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The scallywags at Medscape News UK be tellin' us that most anticancer medicines don't harm yer unborn younglings or affect yer pregnancy in a bad way. But beware, there be two immunotherapies that be causing trouble when given together, so keep a weather eye on that, ye hear?
So fear not, me hearties, for most of these medicines won't be sendin' yer wee ones to Davy Jones's locker. But keep a close lookout for them immunotherapies, for they be a treacherous pair when taken at the same time. Trust in the doctors and follow their orders to keep ye and yer unborn bub safe on this treacherous sea of cancer treatment.
So hoist the sails and set a course for a safe and healthy pregnancy, me hearties! Let this news from Medscape News UK be a beacon of hope in the stormy seas of cancer treatment. Keep a weather eye on yer treatments, and may the winds of health be ever at yer back! Arrr!

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