The Booty Report

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"Arrr matey, lead-laden winds be causin' a hullabaloo in many a noggin, makin' ’em madder than a scallywag!"


Arrr, me hearties! It be said that years o’ breathin’ lead-laden fumes from yer sea chests have sparked a ruckus in 151 million noggins! Aye, a new scroll be tellin’ us that too much ‘o that ol’ gasoline be makin’ landlubbers a tad bit bonkers! Har har!

"Arrr matey, lead-laden winds be causin' a hullabaloo in many a noggin, makin' ’em madder than a scallywag!"

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout some scallywags of yore who’ve been breathin' in the noxious fumes of leaded gasoline! Aye, it be said that over the last 75 years, this cursed concoction has left a vicious mark on the noggins of 151 million wee landlubbers, causin' a ruckus of psychiatric disorders galore!

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