The Booty Report

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Arrr! The cursed affliction, Long COVID, hath left ye with a never-ending list o' activity restrictions!


Arrr, mateys! This blasted "Long COVID" be havin' a mighty impact on patients' lives! Shiver me timbers, it be wreckin' their quality o' life, makin' 'em unable to work and affectin' their abilities! Savvy?

In this jolly ol' time, mateys, there be a tale of a villainous scoundrel called Long COVID! Aye, this treacherous sea beast has wreaked havoc on the lives of many patients. It has caused a massive blow to their quality of life, their ability to function, and even their ability to work! Shiver me timbers!

Arrr, Long COVID be no ordinary foe, me hearties. It be a sneaky bugger, lingerin' on in the bodies of them poor souls, plaguing them with symptoms like fatigue, breathin' troubles, brain fog, and more! Aye, it be like a never-endin' storm, with no land in sight!

Imagine, me mateys, bein' stuck in a body that refuses to cooperate, leavin' ye feelin' like a stranded sailor in the heart o' a storm. It be a cruel fate, I tell ya!

But fear not, me hearties, for there be hope on the horizon! The good folks at MDedge News be keepin' an eye on this villainous Long COVID and spreadin' the word about its effects. They be sharin' tales of patients strugglin' to reclaim their lives, battlin' this monstrous curse day in and day out!

Now, me hearties, let us raise a mug o' grog to these brave souls, fightin' the good fight against Long COVID! May they find the strength to face each day with a smile, even in the face of this relentless scourge!

So, me hearties, let this be a warnin' to ye all! Long COVID be nothin' to scoff at! It be a fearsome enemy, disruptin' lives and stealin' away the joy from those who dare to cross its path. But together, we can weather this storm and emerge victorious!

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