The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! Pregnant lasses be puffin' CBD double the rate o' landlubbers! Aye, the sea be full o' surprises!


Arrr matey! In a grand haul o' North American lassies, the expectin' wenches be usin' cannabidiol (CBD) nearly twice as much as their landlubber counterparts! Aye, it seems the sea o' motherhood be callin’ fer some calming herbs! <i>MDedge News</i> be spillin’ the grog!

Arrr, matey! Pregnant lasses be puffin' CBD double the rate o' landlubbers! Aye, the sea be full o' surprises!

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I’ve caught wind o’ a curious tale from the vast seas o’ North America! It seems that fair maidens with a bun in the oven be indulgin’ in the mystical herb known as cannabidiol, or CBD fer those scallywags who fancy a shorter name. Aye, these expectin’ lasses be usin’ it nearly twice as much as their landlubber counterparts who be not with child!

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