The Booty Report

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Arr, the FDA be sayin' nay to the fancy implanted contraption fer dosin' GLP1-RA fer the T2D, me hearties!


Arr, ye scurvy FDA advisory panel hath given a resounding nay to the use of a contraption to deliver the GLP-1 receptor agonist exenatide to landlubbers sufferin' from type 2 diabetes. Safety be a concern, they say! Blast me barnacles!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! There be some news from the landlubbers at the FDA that be worth sharin'! They be talkin' about this here fancy device, called an implanted contraption, meant to deliver some kind of potion to folks sufferin' from the dreaded type 2 diabetes. Now, this potion be called exenatide, and it be givin' the GLP-1 receptor a good ol' ticklin' to help control the blood sugar levels.

But, me mateys, it seems that this device didn't quite impress the FDA advisory panel. They be sayin' "no" to it, unanimous-like! Why, ye wonder? Well, they be mentionin' some worries about safety and other concerns. Aye, they be thinkin' that this device might be causin' more harm than good. And when it comes to health matters, ye want to be lookin' out for the good of the people, don't ye?

Now, I be no expert on these fancy medical gadgets, but it seems that the FDA be sayin' that this device be risky business. They be thinkin' that maybe it be causin' some trouble in the belly of the folks who use it. And ye don't want to be messin' with a pirate's belly! That be his treasure, after all!

So, me hearties, it looks like this here implanted device be walkin' the plank, so to speak. The FDA be sayin' it ain't safe enough for the landlubbers with type 2 diabetes. But don't ye worry, me mates! There be plenty of other potions and remedies out there to help fight this battle. Just remember, take care of yer health, and keep a weather eye out for any new developments!

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