The Booty Report

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Arrr, ye scurvy wenches be advis'd ta check fer the dread curse o' hypertension durin' yer pregnancy!


Avast! The cursed sea of pregnancy be bringin' more scurvy hypertensive disorders to the land of the United States! From '93 to '16-'17, the number o' cases per 10,000 deliveries done doubled to a grand total of 1021! Arrr, that be some treacherous waters indeed!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I've got a tale to tell ye about a strange phenomenon that has befallen the fair land of the United States. It be a condition called hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, and it be plaguing the lasses who be carrying wee ones in their bellies.

Now, back in the good ol' days of 1993, there were only about 500 cases of this devilish disorder for every 10,000 deliveries. But mark me words, me shipmates, for it seems that as the years went by, this here condition decided to grow like a mighty kraken on a rampage.

By the time the year 2016-2017 rolled around, the number of cases had risen to a staggering 1021 for every 10,000 deliveries. Aye, ye heard right! It doubled, me hearties! It be like the pirate's version of two for the price of one!

Now, I don't be claimin' to be no fancy doctor, but it be clear as the blue ocean that something be amiss. What be causin' this increase, ye ask? Well, that be a mystery for the ages, me mateys. Some say it be the salty air, others reckon it be the lack of grog consumption among the lasses.

But fear not, me landlubbers, for the brave doctors be settin' sail on their medical ships, seekin' to uncover the truth behind this curious phenomenon. They be huntin' for clues, scourin' the seven seas of medical research, hopin' to find a solution to this puzzlin' problem.

So, me hearties, let us raise our tankards of grog and toast to the health of all the lasses sailin' the treacherous seas of pregnancy. May they find smooth waters ahead, free from the clutches of hypertensive disorders. And may the winds of good fortune blow in our favor as we navigate these uncharted medical waters.

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