The Booty Report

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Arrr, Mateys! Swashbucklin' surgeons be feelin' the strain o' complex PCI, aye, 'tis a true tale o' woe!


Arr, me heart be pumpin' like a ship in a storm when them cardiologists be fixin' the blockages in ye heart! Aye, they be brave souls takin' on such treacherous waters. The study be showin' that their blood be boilin' more than when doin' other tasks, mateys!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The swashbuckling interventional cardiologists be raisin' their heart rates and blood pressures higher than a ship in a storm when they be performin' PCI for them coronary total occlusions. Ahoy, it be a treacherous task indeed!

According to a new study reported in Medscape Medical News, these hearties be takin' on more stress and strain compared to their other work activities. Aye, tis no easy feat to navigate through them blockages in the heart's arteries!

So next time ye be seein' one of these brave souls at work, be sure to salute them for their valiant efforts in keepin' the heart beatin' strong. And remember, when it comes to matters of the heart, these interventional cardiologists be the true pirates of the medical world!

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