The Booty Report

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Arrr, FDA gives nod to potent elixir for stubborn heart throbs. Time to swashbuckle those high seas!


Arrr mateys! Aprocitentan be the first of its kind to lower the blood pressure, when combined with other remedies, for those stubbornly resisting treatment. Aye, 'tis a mighty weapon in the fight against the high seas of hypertension!

Arrr mateys, gather round and listen up! Aprocitentan be a new weapon in our quest to lower the blood pressure of those scallywags who just won't listen to the ol' salty dog's advice. This here endothelin receptor antagonist has been approved by the powers that be to be used in combination with other antihypertensives for those troublesome cases of treatment-resistant hypertension.
So, if ye be dealin' with a stubborn landlubber who just won't let go of that high blood pressure, ye may want to consider addin' a bit o' Aprocitentan to the mix. This newfangled remedy may be just what the doctor ordered to get those blood pressure numbers down to a more respectable level.
So, me hearties, take heed of this news from the Medscape Medical News, and set sail towards lower blood pressure with Aprocitentan by yer side. And remember, a healthy heart be a happy heart, so don't be shy about addin' this new weapon to yer arsenal against the dreaded hypertension!

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