The Booty Report

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"Arrr mateys, be on the lookout for the signs of the dreaded Ovarian Cancer to speed up yer diagnosis!"


Arrr mateys, 'tis a sad truth that many lasses be findin' out too late about the cursed ovarian cancer. If ye spot the scurvy signs early, there be a chance to fight it off like a true pirate! Keep a weather eye out, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! It be a sad truth that many a fair lass be sufferin' from the dreaded ovarian cancer. If only they be catchin' it early, the scallywags stand a good chance o' beatin' it! But alas, two-thirds o' these poor souls be learnin' of their plight too late, when the disease be as fierce as a tempest at sea!
According to the wise words o' MDedge News, 'tis a shame that so many be findin' out too late. But fear not, me hearties! There be hope yet for those who be vigilant and catch the enemy early! So keep a weather eye on yer health, me beauties, and be sure to see the wise healers regularly!
Remember, even a fearsome pirate like meself knows the value of preventin' and treatin' disease early. So take heed, me hearties, and may the winds o' good health be ever at yer backs! Arrr!

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