The Booty Report

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Arr matey, the gut flora of chubby scallywags be different from lean landlubbers. Aye, the belly be tellin' tales!


Avast ye, me hearties! Them scallywags o' researchers be findin' some mighty interestin' differences in the gut bugs o' chubby landlubbers compared to those with a trim waistline. Arrr, seems like the belly be tellin' tales of the booty within!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, it be told that the scallywags known as researchers have uncovered some mighty interesting finds in the depths of the small intestine. Arrr, they say there be significant and specific differences in the microbial universe of overweight or obese adults compared to those of normal weight. Aye, 'tis a tale worth tellin'!
According to the scribes at Medscape Medical News, these differences in the microbiome could be the key to unlocking the mysteries of why some folks carry a bit more weight than others. Could it be that the microbes be playin' a trick on us, makin' us crave more rum and grog? Arrr, 'tis a thought worth ponderin'!
So next time ye be feelin' a bit on the heavy side, remember that it might not just be all the extra helpings of grub ye be enjoyin'. Nay, 'tis the microbes in yer gut that be pullin' the strings! Take heed, me hearties, and keep a weather eye on yer diet and exercise. Ye never know when those pesky microbes might be up to no good!

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