The Booty Report

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Be ye thinkin' 'tis time to heave ho the term AIDS from our vocabulary, me hearties? Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! Some scallywags be sayin' that the acronym be no good no more and may be causin' harm, according to a group of specialists arguin' with other experts. Avast ye Medscape Medical News!

Arrr, me hearties! It be said by a group of specialists that the acronym be no longer useful and may even be harmful to us scallywags. They be arguin' with other experts on the matter, as reported by Medscape Medical News. Avast ye, it be quite the debate!
But what be this acronym they be speakin' of? 'Tis a mystery to even the likes of me! Arrr, could it be a secret code meant to confuse us landlubbers? Or mayhaps 'tis a tool for the scurvy dogs to control us seafarin' folk?
Either way, the experts be talkin' about it in their fancy language, discussin' the pros and cons like they be swabbing the deck. But what be the harm in a little acronym, I say? 'Tis all in good fun, like a game of cat and mouse on the high seas!
So let us raise a tankard of rum to this debate, me buckos! May the experts find their treasure at the end of the rainbow, even if it means gettin' rid of the dreaded acronym. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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