The Booty Report

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"Arrr, savvy! Black scallywags be climbin' the ranks fer them kidney treasures! Aye, the list be shufflin'!"


Arrr, matey! Early whispers from the crow's nest say them race-neutral policies be workin' like a charm, makin' the kidney transplant seas a fairer voyage for all! So hoist the sails and toast to a fairer ship, says Medscape Medical News! Aye, let the treasures be shared!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout some curious happenings in the realm of kidney transplants, aye! Word be sailin' that race-neutral policies be doin' their magic, makin' the process fairer than a fair maiden at a jolly tavern. 'Tis said these policies be helpin' to "level the playin' field," so all scallywags, regardless of their skin's hue, be havin' a fair shot at a shiny new kidney!

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