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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Some AI witchcraft in medicine should warrant the consent of the wise docs! Arrr!


Arrr, the mighty US physician organization be demandin' more accountability from the scurvy insurers when it comes to their use o' fancy AI tools. And while they be at it, they be askin' fer limits on physician liability too. Ahoy! Medscape Medical News be sharin' the tale.

In a jolly twist of events, the grandest US physician organization be on the lookout for some answers from those sneaky insurers who be dabbling in the treacherous waters of AI-enabled tools. Arrr, they be wantin' to know about the tricks these scallywags be playin' and be demandin' greater accountability from them. Aye, the seas of healthcare be a perilous place, and the doctors be aimin' to protect themselves from any mischief caused by these newfangled contraptions.

But that's not all, me hearties! The clever physicians be askin' for some limits on their own liability when it comes to these AI gizmos. Aye, they be wantin' to make sure they don't end up walkin' the plank if these tools make a mistake. It be a fair request, I say, for no man wants to be held responsible for the actions of a mischievous machine.

Now, ye might be wonderin', why be the doctors so concerned about these AI-enabled tools? Well, me mateys, it be because these fancy contraptions be takin' on more and more tasks that used to be done by human hands. They be claimin' to diagnose diseases, predict outcomes, and even make treatment recommendations. Arrr, it be a strange world we be livin' in, where machines be takin' the place of seasoned physicians.

So, the good doctors be raisin' their voices, demandin' to be heard. They want to make sure these AI-enabled tools be held accountable for their actions and that they don't end up bein' blamed for any mishaps caused by these mechanical mates. It be a fight for justice on the high seas of healthcare, and the physicians be takin' up their swords – or rather, their stethoscopes – to protect their honor and reputation. Yo ho ho, it be a battle worth fightin' for!

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