The Booty Report

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"Arrr, be ye sittin' too long, matey? A new scroll be sayin' it could send ye to Davy Jones!"


Arrr, matey! A study be showin’ that loungin’ about like a scallywag, instead o' hoistin’ the sails, be risin’ yer chances of kickin' the bucket! So, put down yer grog and get to movin', lest ye be meetin’ Davy Jones too soon!

Ahoy me hearties! Gather ’round as I be spillin’ the beans on a recent scroll that be causin’ quite the stir amongst the landlubbers! It appears that loungin’ about like a lazy sea dog, instead of hoistin’ the sails and raisin’ the Jolly Roger, be leadin’ to a rather bleak fate—ey, an increased risk of kickin’ the bucket, they say!

This here study, penned by scallywags in white coats, reveals that if ye be spendin’ too much time sittin’ on yer duff, ye might as well be walkin’ the plank! Aye, engage in a bit o’ swashbucklin’ exercise, lest ye find yerself in Davy Jones’ locker sooner than ye can say “shiver me timbers!” It seems that the more ye lounge, the more ye tempt fate with a grim reaper's scythe hangin’ over yer head.

So, me mateys, let this be a lesson from the seven seas! Whether ye be swingin’ yer cutlass or just takin’ a brisk stroll on the beach, keep ye body movin’! For a pirate’s life be not just about treasure, but also about keepin’ the heart pumpin’ and the spirit high! Now, let’s find that grog and dance a jig, for life be too short to be sittin’ about! Arrr!

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