The Booty Report

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Arr, me hearties! Aye, the latest study be supportin' the new NCCN rankin' fer cutaneous SCC! Shiver me timbers!


"Arrr, the aim of the debatin' be to contrast the fortunes o' the scallywags in the NCCN factions - from the most perilous to the least - and the fates o' the CSCCs divided by their treatment wit' Mohs or wide local excision. <i>Avast, Medscape Medical News!</i>"

Ahoy, me hearties! Listen up and I'll tell ye about a study that aimed to compare the results of different treatments for skin cancer. They wanted to see how well folks from different levels of risk groups fared, as well as how people who had either Mohs surgery or wide local excision did.

The fancy lads and lasses at the National Comprehensive Cancer Network split the scallywags into three groups: the very high, high, and low-risk groups. Then, they looked at how well each group did after getting treatment for their squamous cell carcinoma (that's fancy talk for skin cancer, mateys).

They also wanted to see how well people did after having either Mohs surgery or wide local excision. Mohs is when they cut out the cancer bit by bit, checking each bit under a microscope as they go. Wide local excision is when they cut out the whole cancer in one go but also take a bit of healthy skin around it, just to be safe.

So, what did they find, ye ask? Well, it turns out that those in the very high-risk group didn't do as well as those in the other two groups. And, those who had Mohs surgery had a lower chance of the cancer coming back than those who had wide local excision.

Arrr, there ye have it, me hearties! The study showed that different treatments have different outcomes for skin cancer, and it's important to know which group ye be in before making any decisions. Keep yer skin safe from the sun, and until next time, fair winds and following seas!

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