The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, the JAMA Internal Medicine Editor be tellin' tales o' 2023's mighty research explorations, me hearties!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! 'Tis the latest news from the shores of MDedge! Gather 'round, me hearties, and listen well. The tale be short and sweet, just like a lass's kiss. So set yer eyes on the written word, and let it tickle yer funny bone, arr!

Arr, mateys! Gather 'round and listen to the tale of the MDedge News, but with a twist o' the tongue from the 17th century pirate lingo. Avast, me hearties, for a humorous journey awaits!

Picture this, ye scurvy dogs, a group o' medical landlubbers sharin' news 'bout the latest happenin's in the world o' medicine. They be callin' themselves MDedge News, a crew of doctors sailin' the treacherous seas of medical knowledge. But instead o' speakin' in the common tongue, they jest decided to spice things up and takin' on the language of us fearsome pirates!

Now, ye may be wonderin', what kind o' news be these MDedge pirates sharin'? Well, me hearties, they be coverin' all manner o' medical topics - from diseases that be plaguin' the land to new treatments that be bringin' hope to the afflicted. They even be discussin' the tales o' other pirates, like how they be battlin' the scurvy and other ailments while sailin' the seven seas.

But ye should know, these MDedge pirates be doin' more than just sharin' news. They also be lookin' out for the well-bein' o' their fellow sailors by uncoverin' the hidden treasures o' information. They be explorin' the vast ocean o' research, discoverin' studies and clinical trials that be guidin' other doctors on their medical journeys.

Now, mind ye, this be no ordinary news crew - they be injectin' humor into their tales. They be crackin' jokes and addin' a touch o' wit to their writin', makin' the journey through the medical world a bit more entertainin'. So, if ye be lookin' for a laugh while learnin' a thing or two, MDedge News be the place to set yer sights on.

So, there ye have it, ye scallywags! MDedge News be a crew o' doctors sailin' the vast sea of medical knowledge, sharin' tales in the language o' 17th century pirates. They be spreadin' the word 'bout diseases, treatments, and plunderin' the depths o' research while addin' a sprinkle o' humor to the mix. So hoist the anchor, set sail, and dive into the world o' MDedge News, where medicine and piracy be collidin' in a hilarious adventure!

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