The Booty Report

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Heart be a bit wonky when sailing high seas, mateys, beware the arrhythmia at altitude! Arrr!


Avast ye scallywags! 'Tis said that more than one in three hearty landlubbers developed a malady of the heart, known as bradyarrhythmias, whilst scaling the treacherous slopes of Mount Everest. Aye, the medical scribes be warnin' of the dangers of such a perilous adventure! Arrr!

Arr mateys, listen up! The scurvy dogs at Medscape Medical News have discovered that more than one in three hearty landlubbers who dare to scale the mighty Mount Everest develop a condition known as cardiac arrhythmias. Aye, these heart irregularities be most frequently of the bradyarrhythmia variety, causing the heart to beat too slow, like a lazy barnacle on a ship's hull.
Imagine it, me hearties, your ticker struggling to keep pace as you navigate the treacherous slopes of the tallest peak in all the world! But fear not, for even the most seasoned swashbucklers can fall victim to this affliction. It seems that the thin air and harsh conditions of the mountain be enough to throw even the strongest of buccaneers off course.
So heed this warning, ye brave souls with a thirst for adventure: when ye set sail for Everest, be prepared for the unexpected twists and turns that may come your way. And always remember, it takes more than a stout heart and a sturdy vessel to conquer the highest peaks – sometimes, a bit of luck and a healthy dose of humor be all ye need to weather the storm.

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