The Booty Report

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"Doctors on their backs be makin' landlubbers grin with glee, aye! Sittin' 'round like lazy sea dogs!"


Arrr, the scallywag of a doc be knowin' that settin' his bum down by the sickly matey brings a twinkle o' joy to their hearts, say the charts! So, heave ho, let ‘em sit and chat, for the treasure be in their grins!

Ahoy mateys! Gather ‘round as I regale ye with a tale from the realm of healing and care! Word on the high seas be that a wise doc, upon learnin’ of a patient’s plight, decided to plant his derriere right by their bedside. Aye, ye heard that right! Not just scuttlin’ about like a landlubber, but settlin’ in for a proper chinwag!

Yarrr, it seems that this fine decision be a treasure chest of joy fer the poor soul in need. Data from the landlubbers at Medscape Medical News be suggestin’ that when a doc takes a load off and sits down to chat, the patients be singin’ praises fit for a sea shanty! Here be a nugget o’ wisdom: a little bit of time spent in the company of a healer can make a heart swell with satisfaction like a pirate’s belly after a feast of grog and fish stew!

So, raise yer tankards to the physicians who know that a kind word and a warm seat be worth more than gold doubloons! Let it be known across the seven seas that sometimes, all ye need to mend a heart be a doc who knows how to slow down and lend an ear. Arrr, may their days be long and their patients merry!

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