The Booty Report

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Arrr! FDA be givin' the nod to Subcutaneous Vedolizumab for keepin' the pox-ridden UC at bay, mateys!


Arr matey! Takeda be reckonin' that the subcutaneous vedolizumab for UC maintenance therapy shall be ready fer ye scallywags in the United States by the end of October. They be callin' it the Entyvio Pen, a single-dose pre-filled weapon. Yo ho ho!

Tis a grand day fer all ye landlubbers sufferin' from ulcerative colitis, me hearties! The good ship Takeda be bringin' us a new weapon to fight this notorious affliction. They be expectin' a subcutaneous version o' vedolizumab, a medicine we know as Entyvio, to be arrivin' on American shores by the end o' October as a single-dose pre-filled pen, they be callin' it the Entyvio Pen! Arrr!

Now ye may be wonderin', why be this news so excitin' fer us scurvy dogs? Well, ye see, the current way o' deliverin' vedolizumab be through a long and treacherous intravenous infusion. But fear not, me mateys, fer this new Entyvio Pen be makin' it much easier fer us to administer the medicine! No more landin' in the infirmary fer hours on end, no more stuck like a fish with a hook in our arms. Nay, with this new pen, we can be takin' care o' our UC maintenance therapy in the comfort o' our own ship!

But wait, there be more! This Entyvio Pen be not only convenient, but it be also bringin' hope to those of us who be fearin' needles like the plague. The subcutaneous version be deliverin' the medicine just under the skin, makin' it less intimidatin' fer ye squeamish souls. So, me hearties, let's raise our rum-filled tankards and toast to Takeda fer makin' our lives a bit easier and a lot less painful!

Arrr, me hearties, mark the date in ye calendars, for by the end o' October, the Entyvio Pen be arrivin' on American shores, ready to help us fight against ulcerative colitis. So gather round, all ye scallywags sufferin' from this wretched disease, and rejoice! No more intravenous infusions, no more terrifying needles! This new subcutaneous version o' vedolizumab be a game-changer, mateys!

Takeda be bringin' us a much-needed improvement in the form of a single-dose pre-filled pen. They be callin' it the Entyvio Pen, and it be a blessin' for all ye landlubbers who be needin' maintenance therapy fer ulcerative colitis. Ye won't be needin' a ship full o' nurses and a whole day in the infirmary no more, me hearties! Just a simple jab under the skin, and ye be on yer way!

But that ain't all, me mateys! This Entyvio Pen be also a welcome sight for them who be quakin' in their boots at the sight o' needles. The subcutaneous version be a bit less intimidatin', makin' it easier to take yer medicine without feelin' like ye be walkin' the plank.

So, me hearties, let's cheer for Takeda and their grand invention! The Entyvio Pen be bringin' convenience and relief to all ye scurvy dogs with ulcerative colitis. Avast, me mateys, the end o' October be a date to mark in yer calendars, for that be the day when this new weapon be at yer disposal! Fair winds and smooth sailin' to ye all!

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