The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, the Peds Clinic be makin' the switch to go paperless! Double the data, double the loot!


Arrr matey! The aim of the program be to capture all the data at well visits, in all the languages, and make sure it be at 80% or higher. Ye best be speakin' in all tongues, lest ye want to walk the plank! Aye, MDedge News be tellin' tales of our mission.

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, fer I've got news from the land lubbers at MDedge News. They be tellin' us that the goal o' the program be to raise the rate o' complete data capture at well visits to at least 80%, and do this across all languages. Aye, ye heard right me mateys! They be wantin' to make sure that all the data be gettin' captured proper-like, no matter what language be spoken.

So, next time ye be goin' to see the doc, make sure ye be speakin' up and givin' them all the info they be needin'. Let's help 'em reach that 80% goal and show 'em that us pirates can be helpful too! Arrr, it be a fine goal to strive for, me hearties. So let's raise our tankards and toast to complete data capture at well visits! Yo ho ho and a bottle o' rum!

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