The Booty Report

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"Keep ye eye on the potion’s measure after ye belly shrinks like a ship in a storm, savvy?"


Arrr, in a twist o' fate, a scallywag forgot to tweak his levothyroxine after shedin' pounds faster than a seagull snatchin' a fish! He be sailin' straight to the emergency cove, lookin' for a remedy! Aye, heed the lesson, lest ye be walkin' the plank of mishaps!

"Keep ye eye on the potion’s measure after ye belly shrinks like a ship in a storm, savvy?"

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a rollickin' tale from the high seas of modern medicine! So, there be a scallywag, a patient o' sorts, who thought he could sail the waters of weight loss with a magical potion called tirzepatide. Aye, that be a fancy name fer somethin' that promises to shed pounds faster than a ship can hoist its sails!

But lo and behold! This clever lad forgot to adjust his dose o' levothyroxine—the mighty medicine keepin' his thyroid in shipshape. As he be droppin' weight quicker than a cannonball, his body cried out for help, and thus he found himself in the perilous waters of the emergency department. Aye, not the jolly tavern he’d hoped to dock at!

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