The Booty Report

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Arrr, those fancy scientists be chattin' 'bout bird flu spreadin' across the seas. Best hoist the sails, mateys!


Arr mateys, fear not the foul fowl flu! The land lubbers say the chance of widespread illness be low, but keep a weather eye out and tighten up yer defenses! We be keepin' a sharp lookout for any scurvy birds tryin' to make us walk the plank! Aye aye, Captain Health Authorities!

Arr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The scurvy dogs be warnin' us about this avian influenza malarkey. Aye, the risk be low fer us humans in Europe, but the health authorities be tellin' us to be extra cautious and tighten up our defenses with biosecurity measures. Arr, we don't want no pesky bird flu runnin' amuck on our ships!
So keep an eye out for any sickly birds, me hearties, and make sure ye wash yer hands like a proper pirate. And if ye start feelin' like a parrot with a sore throat, best be seein' the ship's doctor right quick. We don't want any o' ye landlubbers spreadin' this foul disease around!
Stay safe out there on the high seas, me mateys, and remember to keep a weather eye on the horizon for any signs of trouble. And if ye happen to come across any suspicious lookin' fowl, best be steerin' clear and reportin' it to the proper authorities. We'll beat this avian influenza yet, with a bit o' luck and a whole lotta rum!

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