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Arr matey! The magic trinket and vigilant matey be just as good as a cork for yer heart's nook!


Arrr! The fancy-sounding Amulet and Watchman FLX gadgets be showin' similar results, mateys! About half o' the patients still had a wee bit o' leaky appendage after 13 months. Aye, 'tis what the study says, savvy? Yo ho ho!

In a jolly tale fit for the likes of a 17th-century pirate gathering, the Amulet and Watchman FLX devices have been put to the test for the closure of the left atrial appendage. Arr, the results be showin' that both devices be equally effective, with nearabouts half of the patients still havin' a bit o' patency in their appendages after 13 months!

Ahoy there, me hearties! This here study, as reported by the fine folks at Medscape Medical News, has brought us some mighty interesting tidings. They be sayin' that these two devices, the Amulet and Watchman FLX, be doin' a fine job at closin' up the left atrial appendage. But 'ere be the catch - seems like about half of the patients still have a wee bit o' patency in their appendages after 13 months. Arr, ain't that somethin'?

Now, me mateys, don't ye be worryin' too much about what this all means. The study be showin' that both the Amulet and Watchman FLX devices be givin' similar results. So, no need to go all out and choose one over the other, ye savvy? They be just as good as each other, like two scallywags cut from the same cloth.

But, ye may be wonderin', what be this left atrial appendage all about anyway? Well, me hearties, it be a little pouch in yer heart, holdin' on to blood like a good treasure chest. Sometimes, this pouch can cause some trouble, leadin' to a higher risk of stroke. That be why these devices be so important - they be helpin' to close up that pouch and protect ye from the dangers of a wayward blood clot.

So, there ye have it, me buckos! The Amulet and Watchman FLX devices be sailin' on the same ship when it comes to closin' up the left atrial appendage. Don't ye be worryin' 'bout a bit o' patency, for it seems to be a common sight among these brave souls. Stay healthy, keep an eye on yer appendages, and may the winds blow ye towards smooth sailin'!"

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