The Booty Report

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Arrr matey! Those fancy trinkets be showin' that slumber be makin’ our aches and pains go boom or bust!


Arrr, matey! If ye be a restless sea dog, ye be sailin' straight to Davy Jones' locker, riskin' both yer body an' yer noggin! So, catch yer Z's lest ye find yerself in a right pickle! Aye, that’s the word from Medscape Medical News! Savvy?

Avast ye hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the perilous dangers of a restless slumber! Aye, it seems that when ye be tossin' and turnin' like a ship in a stormy sea, ye be courtin' trouble with both body and mind, yarrr!

The scallywags at Medscape Medical News have uncovered a treacherous truth: greater sleep irregularity be linked to a bounty of ailments that be as unwelcome as a kraken in yer cabin. When ye be neglectin' the sweet embrace of slumber, ye risk a whole treasure chest of maladies, from a weary heart to a mind as muddled as a drunken sailor!

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