The Booty Report

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Yarrr! 'Tis true, me hearties! A wench be like a ship - damaged, but still seaworthy!


Arrr matey! Word be spreadin' that lasses with nonmetastatic bosom afflictions can still bear young after bein' treated! Aye, it be a jolly good news for all ye lassies out there! Hoist the sails and let's celebrate this fine discovery!

Arrr, mateys! Set yer spyglass on this here news from the landlubbers in the medical world! They be sayin' that most young wenches with the cursed disease of nonmetastatic breast cancer can still bear young'uns after they be gettin' their treatment! Aye, 'tis a glimmer of hope in the dark and stormy seas of illness and despair.
So, me hearties, fear not if ye be a lass fightin' this battle! The medics be sayin' that ye can still raise a brood of scallywags after ye be kickin' that cancer to the depths of Davy Jones' locker. 'Tis a mighty fine piece of news, indeed!
So, let this news be a reminder to all ye brave women out there facin' the stormy seas of illness – there be still a light on the horizon. Keep fightin', keep believin', and keep dreamin' of the day when ye can hold yer own little buccaneer in yer arms. Arrr, the future be lookin' bright for ye, me hearties!

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