The Booty Report

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Arr mateys! Usin' preventatives be lessenin' fits after a good bashin' to the noggin'. Aye, take heed!


Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dog meta-analysis be suggestin' that takin' seizure preventin' medicine can indeed lessen the chances o' gettin' a fit after a bit o' head bashin'. Aye, 'tis a small victory, but a victory nonetheless!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! A recent study be suggestin' that takin' medication to prevent seizin' after a bump on the noggin can actually help reduce the chances of havin' one. It may only be a small decrease, but a decrease nonetheless. This be good news for those who be sufferin' from mild to moderate traumatic brain injury.
So if ye find yerself in a bit of a scrape and end up with a knock to the ol' noggin, ye might want to consider talkin' to yer doctor about takin' some pills to keep them seizin' at bay. It be worth a shot to prevent any unnecessary rumblin' in yer brain, if ye catch me drift.
So there ye have it me hearties, a bit of good news in the world of brain injuries. Just remember, it be always best to seek proper medical advice before takin' any medication. And if ye be feelin' a bit woozy after a fall, don't be shy to consult a medical professional. It be better to be safe than sorry, savvy?

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