The Booty Report

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Ye scurvy dogs best be mindin' yer health, fer lack of immunity be a foul wind blowin' for yer skin!


Arrr mateys! Turns out, avoidin' the ol' immunosuppression be key to stayin' alive. The scallywags who ignore this warning be takin' a one-way trip to Davy Jones' locker. Listen to the wise words of the Medscape Medical News, or ye be meetin' a grim fate! Aye aye, Captain!

Arrr mateys, listen up! In a study that be different from what we thought before, it be found that bein' immunosuppressed be a risky business when it comes to meetin' Davy Jones at the bottom of the sea. Aye, ye heard right - immunosuppression be an independent risk factor for sailin' off to the great beyond from a disease-specific death or other major poor outcomes. So, me hearties, if ye be findin' yerself in need of lowerin' yer immune system, ye best be cautious and keep a weather eye out for trouble.
Now, I know what ye be thinkin' - "But Cap'n, I be needin' me immunosuppressants to keep meself healthy!" Aye, that may be true, but it be important to keep a weather eye out for any signs of trouble on the horizon. Consult yer trusted mateys in the medical field and make sure ye be keepin' a close eye on yer health while under the effects of immunosuppression.
So, me hearties, in conclusion, remember to take heed of this new information and be extra cautious if ye find yerself in need of lowerin' yer immune system. Keep a weather eye out for any signs of trouble and consult yer trusted medical mateys to keep yerself safe on the high seas of health. Arrr!

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